Garry M. Tuckwell

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Garry M. Tuckwell

Goodreads Author

in The United Kingdom


Member Since
July 2013

I live in Reading in the South of England with my partner of 26 years. We celebrated our civil partnership in 2006; something we never thought would be possible when we first met. When I'm not writing, I teach English Language to overseas students at a language school I run in Berkshire. I've been a fanatical reader ever since my parents first took the five year old me along to that magical place - our public library. ...more

New Book

A good friend of mine told me that I should start a blog. Always one to do as I'm told, here I am...

I just wanted to let you all know that I have recently published a sequel to 'Breaking Out'. 'A Family Matter' catches up with Justin and Niall ten years after we last saw them. It's available on the Kindle platform from Amazon. I hope you enjoy it.

P.S. I'm sure there's all sorts of fancy 'linking t Read more of this blog post »
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Published on January 15, 2014 02:27
Average rating: 3.94 · 300 ratings · 30 reviews · 2 distinct worksSimilar authors
Breaking Out

3.84 avg rating — 219 ratings — published 2013 — 2 editions
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A Family Matter

4.21 avg rating — 81 ratings
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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

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message 12: by Garry

Garry Tuckwell Justin2 wrote: "Thank you for accepting my friendvite, Garry! Unlike Macky, Danni hasn't shared any of your secrets with me and I will have a word with her about that immediately! ;) I look forward to sharing reco..."

Don't believe a word they say, it's all the product of an overactive imagination. Anyway, it was blueberry jam and I'd never blindfold a monkey ;).

Looking forward to keeping in touch.

message 11: by Garry

Garry Tuckwell Macky wrote: "Hi Garry, thanks so much for accepting the invite. Danni told me all your secrets so if you hadn't I would have had to spill the beans about the monkey, the blindfold and the pot of strawberry jam!..."

Actually it was blueberry jam but the monkey had to go, Smudge the Cat coudn't stand the competition. I'm back to doing my own toast now :(

P.S. I think you and I are going to get on just fine :)

message 10: by Garry

Garry Tuckwell Lolita wrote: "thanks for accepting my friend request Garry and i am looking forward reading Breaking out


You're very welcome. I hope you enjoy it :)

message 9: by Garry

Garry Tuckwell Danni wrote: "Oh god, what was I thinking introducing you guys? Poor naive Garry trusting my judgement - he's yet to learn what I'm like {evil cackle}"

What have you got me into!? :)

Lolita thanks for accepting my friend request Garry and i am looking forward reading Breaking out


message 7: by Macky

Macky You started it by telling me the monkey story... But Unfortunately I can't prove it and I know you'll deny it vehemently you evil cackling woman. Darn it!

message 6: by Danni

Danni Oh god, what was I thinking introducing you guys? Poor naive Garry trusting my judgement - he's yet to learn what I'm like {evil cackle}

message 5: by Macky

Macky Lol. Thanks Justin. I trust ya!
Nobody's ever done a YA book involving trained jam on toast spreading monkeys that I know of... perhaps Garry is our man ;D

Justin Wow, I'm very impressed! I bet that could somehow be worked into a future book? ;)
And yes Macky, his book is really good. Trust me, you'll love it!

message 3: by Macky

Macky Okay I'll spill the beans ... Garry trained a monkey to spread the jam on his toast every morning blindfolded! Who wouldn't want to be friends with someone who can do that! Plus it looks like he writes good too! :D

Justin Thank you for accepting my friendvite, Garry! Unlike Macky, Danni hasn't shared any of your secrets with me and I will have a word with her about that immediately! ;) I look forward to sharing recommendations (Right Hand Red) and reading your reviews.

message 1: by Macky (last edited Sep 24, 2013 06:39AM)

Macky Hi Garry, thanks so much for accepting the invite. Danni told me all your secrets so if you hadn't I would have had to spill the beans about the monkey, the blindfold and the pot of strawberry jam! ;D But you're safe now.... So nice to add a new friend, I'm really looking forward to reading Breaking Out which is waiting on the Kindle. :D

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